# Updating touch layout

# Edit touch layout

# Edit buttons positions and size

In all games on your touch layout there are should be a settings button included at the top of the screen

When you click it, all buttons become red colored and red grid appears.


  • With single finger you can move the single button.
  • With two fingers you can resize the single button by the second finger touched and move by the first finger touched.

When you finish touch layout editing you can click on the button in down left corner of the screen to exit editing mode.

# Add, edit and remove buttons


# Installation of missing buttons in CS:S

You can get this issue at some moment and have missing buttons in Counter-Strike: Source

Example case
Example case

Another example case
Another example case

You can fix this by installing touch buttons manually


  1. Download this zip archive
  2. Copy the cstrike folder from archive to the /storage/emulated/0/srceng folder
  3. Now the issue should be fixed and you will have default touch layout installed

# How to create custom button

In some cases players wanted to have own custom buttons for themselves or make their own packs.

Here is the steps, how to create custom button

# 1. Create a button texture.

# 1.1. Draw button

It's important part, if you planning to use texture not from default texture list. You can use any image editor you want. Adobe Illustrator, Paint.NET, GIMP or any other.

Creating image in Paint.NET
Creating image in Paint.NET

# 1.2. Export image

You should export the result image for texture in VTF image file format. If your image editor doesn't support this image format, you can export it to PNG or TGA

Exporting as PNG
Exporting as PNG

# 1.2.1. Convert PNG or TGA to VTF

Convert your image to VTF image format in case you exported it in PNG or TGA format. There are many methods to do that. But here is most recommended: VTFEdit and Online converter.

We will use Online converter for example.

Here you need to select RGBA8888 Texture format and specify filename for your button texture. Then click Save as VTF

# 1.3. Create VMT file

VMT ("Valve Material Type") is a text file that defines a two-dimensional surface. It contains all of the information needed for Source to simulate the surface visually, aurally, and physically. Source engine requires it for any texture

For the button.vtf texture, we create a button.vmt file, which should contain the following text:

	"$basetexture"	"vgui/touch/button"
	"$translucent" "1"
	"$ignorez" "1"
	"$vertexcolor" "1"
	"$vertexalpha" "1"

In the $basetexture you should specify the filename of your button as in example

# 1.4. Put texture

Put the button.vtf and button.vmt files to the /storage/emulated/0/srceng/<game>/materials/vgui/touch/ directory. <game> should be the game folder, where you want to add this button texture

# List of included buttons in Source Engine

List of texture filenames included in apk resources. All of them are already VTF textures with VMT files located in vgui/touch/. You can use them instead of creating custom texture

  • back
  • crouch
  • dpad_left
  • dpad_right
  • flash_light_filled
  • gamma
  • jump
  • load
  • map
  • menu
  • menu_a
  • menu_b
  • menu_x
  • menu_y
  • next_weap
  • prev_weap
  • reload
  • save
  • settings
  • shoot
  • shoot_alt
  • show_weapons
  • showconsole
  • speed
  • tduck
  • use
  • zoom

# 2. Create the button

Open /storage/emulated/0/srceng/<game>/cfg/touch.cfg. Add the following command at the end.

touch_addbutton "button" "vgui/touch/button" "gameui_activate" 0.200000 0.000000 0.080000 0.177778 255 255 255 155 0 1.000000

Where button is the name of the button, vgui/touch/button is the path to the .vmt file, gameui_activate is the command that the button activates when clicked.

Our button is on the screen
Our button is on the screen